How the mothers began to get used to get their children to sleep alone? This is a discussion that is always interesting, because usually the mothers back and forth to do this. Not just because of their sheer yet bold, but often the mother who do not have the heart. In fact, if the process is smooth, children 4 years of age are able to do some self-idolatry. Among other things its own bath, wear their own clothes and pants, cebok own, including in room sleep apart from her parents.
In the process of preparing separate sleeping children, the mothers are often hesitant because the child feels fear, whether it's against the "ghost" or fear of evil.
There are also mothers who reported that their children were afraid of mice. Usually children menyampaiakan fear bedtime. Many parents are trying to persuade the child to overcome his fear, but to no avail, so finally decided ".... yes it is, this night sleep at the mother ...".
This fear is not actually need to be resolved when bedtime, but beyond time before bed. At a time when chatting casually with children, parents can explain and show that ghosts do not exist. Satan does not interfere if we read the prayer. Can also with the understanding "if praying to Allah, we will be guarded by angels, which is even stronger than a mother and father, a security guard or police officer, because they are made of light".
If the child is afraid of the bad guys, it should also be explained that the father mother's room can be reached by many steps, our homes are protected with a strong key. If your house is barred, show and explain bahaw if the glass window solved by the bad guys, there are iron railings that will withstand the bad guys into the house. They can quickly run down the father's mother. That they also appreciate the security that carried the mother father, children may also be invited to "patrol" by his father, around the house to make sure all doors and windows locked.
What are the next steps to make children dare to sleep separately, if all of the above has been done, the child still afraid? The wise way is not necessary to force. When children feel scared, logic and any explanation would not work to change that fear.
There are two ways that parents apply: a mother or father to accompany the children to bed, or children are allowed to sleep father's mother's room, but then after he slept, moved back to his room. On each occasion the parents are expected to always chatting with children in order to overcome this fear. Parents need to explain any of our efforts, the Supreme Protector is Allah, whatever business we do, we pray, and surrender ourselves to the protection of Allah.
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