Albert Einstein said, "A hundred times every day I remind myself that life inside and outside of my work by other people who are already dead or still alive, and that I must exert effort in order to give the same measure as I have received" .
Great figures with perseverance and hard work produce their best work. Consider the words above and ponder! Einstain motivate him as much as 100 times per day. What about us? Do we ever do it? Once every day? Once every week? Or not at all? How can we achieve success while we wallow in laziness? Because in essence the best motivator is ourselves. So give yourself this spirit with the motivation that comes from ourselves. Once, twice to infinity his number.
Long before Einstein, the Prophet Muhammad has pointed out this self-motivation. He is God's servant happy make dzikir and bermuhasabah. In a hadith, he said if he beristighfar 100 times every day. Not to mention that he fard prayer humility, his long cycles in the sunna prayer, fasting, he, his Holy tadabbur, dzikrul his death, until the events that happened to him can he make the lesson. All are self-motivation that drove him closer to Allah; increasingly feel the greatness of God; more close meresakan His help. He moved with fuel Ruhiyah that can burn spirit to keep moving.
Then, begin to motivate yourself because the benefits will be back on ourselves. Prophet Muhammad and his companions, the great figures salehm both Muslims and non-Muslims have done so. This has catapulted the ability of the day.
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