Keanzikal Keanzikal Author
Author: Keanzikal
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More people are haunted by past bad. They feel guilty, feel dirty, feel humiliated her past. They reluctantly invited to move On the g...

More people are haunted by past bad. They feel guilty, feel dirty, feel humiliated her past. They reluctantly invited to move On the grounds, "I do not deserve to advance. I do not deserve to invite other people to do good." Indeed, the past can be a lesson and a source of wisdom for life. Many lessons can we take the bad past.

First, vanity presses. When we had a bad past then the chances of us to feel the sacred and most people feel good to be menjuh of us. You also do not easily insulted and judge people who do evil because you had ever experienced. we realize that life is a process.

From there arises consciousness, when there are people to do the same evil evils especially with yangk we've ever done, then spirit to invite or save more dominant than denounce and degrade. Invite any that appears when there is not a sense of overbearing affection nan arrogant.

Secondly, a turning point to be grateful. If we are always busy with regret the past, it is a sign that we are less grateful. Perhaps, we dreamed that our past is bad, when in fact our life today is much worse. The proof because of the time we spent sebaian to complain.

Give thanks our present condition. Be grateful because we have a bad past so that we come to know the joy of goodness. Maybe we can not feel the joy of life if did not have a bad past. The past can be a benchmark for our lives now.

Bad past can not be changed. we just bia repent and make it a lesson. The past can not be discarded, then let it remain there but not too often remembered. The past can not be forgotten, let it stay there but do not make it a scapegoat and distribute a variety of reasons. Have mercy ugly past and do not add more ugliness because too often we blame. Let it remain there as a constant reminder that kta human beings and not angels in human form.

Bad past is a source of lessons that need not be repeated. Then do much good at this time, so that later we do not spend time repeating ugliness story we've ever done. Life is not for the past, but life it for today and the days later.

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