Children besides besides grace, children are also a testament to the "heavy" God entrusted to his parents, especially in the midst of declining values of ethics, morals and assault permisifisme (cultural permissiveness) through electronic media, parental responsibility be increasingly severe. Child is a gift, even in the Quran is said to be preparing to live, "Treasure and children's jewelry is life ..." (QS. Al-Kahf: 46). Imagine, if we live without jewelry, everything will seem bleak. For that we should be grateful for the blessings God dititipkannya through our children.
Gratitude that we can make with their upbringing based on the nature and affection. Besides as a gift, the child is given to parents as a trust to be maintained, educated and nurtured in order to quality and tough. As instructed in the Qur'an, "And let fear God if people leave behind their weak children, that they are concerned about (welfare) them. Therefore let banish fear Allah and let them saying things right "(QS.An-Nisaa ': 9). Every parent should be aware of this mandate. Because the parents are responsible for their children's education. If parents do not have the ability to educate, it can be shared responsibilities to teachers in schools or other educational institutions. But the central role should remain in the elderly. How, parents can choose a teacher or school for children with appropriate criteria. For example, teachers or schools chosen must be able to foster children with a variety of disciplines on the basis of creed, morals, and the teachings of Islam.
Children like a white paper, which can be written by the writing anything. The role of parents is vital. Because through the parents, the child will be a good man or tidak.Rasulullah SAW, as the example of the plenary, has provided guidance how to educate and prepare children. And the most important thing is exemplary in doing the main thing. Here's a parent to do. Not only rule and blame, but more important is to give a concrete example. Simultaneously, it also must be supported by the environment, relationships, and community.
Educate your children in three cases: love your Prophet, love expert stanza, and reading the Koran (HR. Ath-Thabrani). Three things that are commanded the Prophet to teach our children associated with peaks and principles of various intelligence to our children. It may be that some people call this intelligence with intelligence spiritual or religious intelligence. Since the introduction of personal Prophet early will be an important foundation of Islamic moral development in children. Make the figure of the Prophet was alive in their minds and they loved so much. There's nothing more beautiful private pekertinya mind than the Prophet Muhammad, as Allah SWT says: ".... And thou (Muhammad) berakhklaq really noble" (Qur'an; al Kalam: 4).
By presenting personal Prophet in children's daily lives, they will be easier to implement morality Isalami, because there is a figure who became a role model in front of them. Presents the figure of the Prophet for example can be done by telling how he personally compassionate to fellow human beings, how he was very forbearing, how he was brave in defense of truth, how he was obedient to God by diligently worship etc.
Family emulate the Prophet, the Prophet's family is his wife and children, he and his son in law of the righteous. No doubt they are the ones closest to the Prophet. They are also the people who most love the Prophet and try to continue the struggle to spread the teachings of the Prophet of Islam. The story of the inspiration they will be very valuable for our children to emulate the Prophet. Perhaps we should be a lot to explore how the Prophet participate educate Hasan and Husayn, his grandchildren, who often even he regarded as his own children. Of course, we also have to explore the story of how the Prophet and Khadija Syyidatina educate their daughters his future, can we understand it of passage story ra Fatimah Az Zahra, the daughter of his. In his childhood Fatimah witnessed how his father persistent menda'wahkan Islam and not a little to get a tough challenge from people. Of course we can also learn a lot from how the Prophet upbringing his grandson Hassan Hussein that he regarded as his own children, which at the same time he led the people Isalam build an Islamic society in the Arab world.
Recitations of the Quran, recitation is very important in the educator. Recitations became one of the tasks of the Prophet in educating people (QS. Al 'Imran: 164). Recitations means reading. For those who do not speak Arabic, of course correct recitations should be accompanied by efforts to find out what it means reading the Quran. To that end, in terms of children's education, we must see to it that our children do not know the most important meanings of Islam early. For example, since childhood we have instilled the correct Aqeedah; introduce who God is and that He is the Creator of everything that exists. Children were early introduced to worship. Even the Prophet provides a benchmark age of 7 years as the age at which parents seriously consider their prayers and when it reaches the age of 10 years are allowed to impose penalties if the child is negligent in the discharge of his prayer. Thus, the teaching of Islam since the early grades is a message that can be learned from the command teaches "recitations" to these children.
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