Currently the business competition is very tight. Many other similar businesses. They all compete with each other. How can we excel in this competition. Would you like to get away from this competition and become a leader? How can we deal with it?
We believe that there is a wave of new power to hit the bustle of business in this world. Try to look around us and write down how much experience a person who is involved in a company or organization to obtain a wide range of service restaurants, hotels, hospitals, transport services, public facilities, banks, schools, colleges, shops, department stores and others .
That power is the quality services. Many people already understand that Pelayangan is important in business but very little has been providing quality service. In fact many of us rarely feel the quality and satisfactory service. This can happen due to lack of understanding of the basic principles of service. What should we know?
There are three things that should be known in service. First, what is the true meaning of the service itself? If I ask you what is your mind Yag you about the service? Just one word. Yes, maybe the answer you give them is, satisfied, helpful, happy, business, help, smile, friendly, profit and more. Which one is correct? Everything is correct.
Meaning the service is difficult to define because the service is not something abstract form, can not be seen and touched, but can be felt its existence. Some defecate most of us agree that the service is the process of giving relief from one person to another prang in a certain way (attitude, sincere sense) so that people who helped to feel satisfaction, pleasure, happy. The point is to give the shape to meet the needs of others. The essence of this is to be understood that serving is about giving.
Second, Who do you serve? Each of us is the service. Minimal service over self. All pofesi sure there are dilayanan. example: Traders melayanan m \ buyers, Master melayanan student, singer melayanan listener, patient serves physicians, trainers serve participants. You serve? By knowing who you serve the more familiar to whom the job and your business.
Third, what value should be given? Each serving should be no diberkan value to our customers. Now the value of what you can give to your customers, so that customers will be happy, happy, and get solutions to problems encountered. The value of what is given a doctor, teacher, trader, trainer? And niali what you give?
By knowing the three basic principles of this service, we may better understand the meaning and provide the best services in order to compete in the wake of strict business.
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