In the world of the art of love is interpreted as a deep attraction between the opposite sex, usually because aspects lahiriyah, gorgeous, handsome, sound or physical sonority gallant. Naturally, if then, the world of art to show love on mere outward beauty aspect.
Love is like that basically humane, but love in the realm of love categorized lowest. However, anyone who makes love with the category as a way of life, then suddenly people will lose his mind. Even in some cases there were willing to abandon his faith. That's called BLIND LOVE.
In the book "Al-Muhibbin Raudah Nuzhah wa Al-Musyataqin", Ibn Qayyim explained that the people affected by the disease blind love, usually preoccupied with remembering loved ones instead of remembering Allah. Worse yet, even if love was categorized as low, but many people who fall for it. Not limited to the opposite sex alone, but also on wealth, rank, descendants up pets. Because of this low-grade love of King Nimrod burn Abraham alayhissalam, Pharaoh slaughtered every baby boy, Bani Israil and Cain killed Abel. And humans are tested with the lowest love this.
So, where and what kind of high-class love or love the most noble? This was answered by the Prophet, namely "love Allah and His Messenger above all else. Loving someone just because Allah and are reluctant to become kafir after God saved reluctance thereof as if thrown into the fire." (HR. Bukhari Muslim). Artinyua love of a believer should be sourced and based on a strong faith in Allah and His Messenger. If that happens, then the love of the above are categorized as the lowest of love, will be able to deliver himself to the blessing and His heaven.
To that end, ibn Kathir explains in his commentary by emphasizing that how the Prophet loved believer who loves his wife, children, pets and possessions and property due and to Allah Ta'ala.
So how can we see ourselves have come to love such a degree? "Say: 'If you (really) love Alalh, follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you your sins." (Qur'an, Ali Imron 3:31). In a commentary, ibn Kathir, explaining the verse THAT the law breakers for any person who claims to love God, but not the way of the Prophet Muhammad. Thus Ittiba (follow) the Prophet merupakah benchmark once determinant of truth and glory of love alone believer.
If this is the case, then whatever he will deliver at glory. As performed by Siti Khadijah, its all in the form of property, commerce, and even body and soul, is entirely given to the progress and prosperity of the Islamic da'wah Muslims.
Well, in a ratio perspective, it is clear that action is confusing. But with the eyes of faith, the action is very encouraging. Because essentially, a treasure that must be sacrificed for the sake of faith, not faith sacrificed for the sake of wealth, which causes mental illness love.
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