Keanzikal Keanzikal Author
Author: Keanzikal
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Honest behavior is behavior that is very noble. But in today's world, we find the behavior difficult. At the office, in the market...

Honest behavior is behavior that is very noble. But in today's world, we find the behavior difficult. At the office, in the market, in a variety of work environments, honest behavior is almost never encountered. For example, the maintenance of bureaucracy that is often complicated by a variety of reasons, which ultimately can be easy if there were kickbacks. See also how the situation in the market traders many swear to popularize promotional merchandise with lies.

Honest means saying true that accords between spoken and what is in the heart. Honestly language also can mean the words that correspond to reality and true nature. Contrary honest that's called a lie.

The command to be honest

Allah says, "Hi, people who believe! Fear Allah, and you shall with the people right." (QS. At Tawbah: 119). In another verse, Allah says, "But if they were honest to God, so it is undoubtedly the better for them." (QS. Muhammad: 21)

Later in the hadith of friends 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud radi' anhu also described virtue honest attitude and attitude danger lies. Ibn Mas'ud said that the Prophet SAW said, "let you always be honest, because it will deliver real honesty in true goodness and kindness will leads to heaven. If a person is always being honest and trying fatherly honest, then he will be noted in the sight of Allah as an honest man. be careful you from lied, because actually lie will lead to crime and crime will lead to hell. If someone sukana lie and attempt to lie, then it will be noted in the sight of Allah as a liar."

Honest orders for businesses

From Rifa'ah, he said that he never went out with the Prophet to the field and saw a human being make buying and selling. He then called, "O traders!" People also heed Allah's Apostle while the neck and held out their views to him. Then the Prophet said, "Verily, the traders will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment as those who fajir (evil) unless traders are devoted to God, doing good and being honest."

So often we see the merchant said, "This product is guaranteed cheapest. If you do not believe, please compare with other stores." When in fact, in another store merchandise mrah still more than the merchant. Try to see the dishonesty of most traders today. Unwilling frankly what it is.

Blessings be honest

If we contemplate, honest behavior is actually easy to reap various blessings. The definition of blessing is fixed and bertambhnya goodness. From friends Hikam bin Hizam, the Prophet SAW said, "Both the seller and the buyer each have the right to vote (khiyar) for both yet separated. When both be honest and frank with each other, then they will receive the blessing of the transaction. Instead, when they force each other lies and cover-up, will undoubtedly be lost; ah bag blessing them in the transaction."

Honestly do not make a loss

It is important to be honest in all things, especially in the case of muamalah or business. In business it is so urgent, because so many people are loyal to the seller for his honest. But this honest attitude as if it became extinct, but has often we hear honest behavior of the Prophet, the Companions, and other scholars. They are so eager to maintain this noble character, although ultimately, could be lost because they are so frankly and too honest.

Understand, if businesses want to be honest when doing business, would explain the shortage of goods sold, not intentionally hide it, the real blessing will always be present. While it may benefit materially tidka obtained because sangking honest, but non-material benefits that will be gained.

Because honestly, the real reward will produce so great. Rest assured that the gains are not solely in the form of money or material. Great reward with Allah SWT, it was an advantage. Even reward his hand, this is a tremendous advantage. It favors the world in the form of an appeal to the afterlife favor with Allah SWT reward so far away. The Prophet said, "A little piece of heaven favors better than the world and everything in it."

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