Too long day or late at night samapai tasks sometimes make it hard to get up at dawn, when the dawn prayer is very important for a Muslim. Well hopefully the following tips can help us wake up for morning prayers.
- Getting to Know God
- Has a strong determination
- Ablution before sleep
- Witr prayer and pray before going to bed
- Read some verses of the Qur'an before sleeping
- Dhikr before sleep
- Remember reward those who implement the dawn prayer in congregation
- Aks friends or relatives to wake
- 20 minute nap
- Give yourself credit
- Rules slept 1.5 hours. Where there is a theory that says that every human complement todir cycle for 1.5 hours. If we could get up at the end of the 1.5 hours we will wake up in a fresh condition. For example, we slept at 12 while dawn 0500, make sure to set the alarm at 4:30 with so means we use 4.5 hours of sleep (1.5 hours x 3)
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