Keanzikal Keanzikal Author
Author: Keanzikal
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There is no guarantee that for sure when we love someone , then that person will love us . Meskitpun bergabai sacrifices we h...

There is no guarantee that for sure when we love someone, then that person will love us. Meskitpun bergabai sacrifices we have given, but not necessarily the person is also willing to accept our love. Until we sometimes feel tired and hurt because of unrequited love. Similarly, the unrequited love. When we love a creature there is one thing we need to know, that a loved one moment what it would go. Because they were a law of nature that the living being is not eternal.

However, there is a love in which we will get it. Love is that of Allah, the Creator of all beings and Ruler of the universe. When love grows to Allah, then Allah will surely reply that goal many orders of magnitude greater than our love. Because of God the Merciful. For that, there is no harm at all in the love of Allah.

Hadith Anas bin Malik: "That's an Arab Baidui asked the Prophet:" When the apocalypse comes? "Rasulullah SAW said:" What have you prepared to deal with it? "The man replied:" Love God and His Messenger ". Rasulullah SAW said: "You will be with those you love." (HR. Muslim)

The above Hadith has good news for people who love Allah and His Messenger. Therefore, they will happily with his loved ones in the afterlife. Conversely, when we love our idols and others that there is no guarantee of entry hereafter safely, then any Hereafter we will be with them. So, beware of what kta love.

Truly great begit love Allah to His servants. Begit yag many favors and happiness God has given to countless creatures. However, sometimes humans; upa and lack of gratitude for all the blessings that have been given by God Almighty. Therefore, let us strive to know farther and knit the love of Allah.

Getting to Know God

Did not know it was love. This maxim is no stranger to our ears. Know indeed become one of the important parts that arises love. We need to know, that know and recognize that there is a fundamental difference. When we only know that Allah who created, then we just know it, but not necessarily we know better. However, if we know Allah that means we already know about God along with His attributes and His greatness. Starting from the introduction, we need to know God more deeply in order to emerge love for Allah.

In essence, to know God does not have to see and meet in person. One of them, by seeing all creation, power and greatness of Allah SWT. As mentioned in the Quran, "actually in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day there are signs for people of understanding". (Q.S Ali Imran: 190)

Natural phenomenon is indisputable proof on the greatness of Allah SWT has set the circulation of the earth, sun, moon and planets. In addition, there are various kinds of creatures that have been created by Allah SWT with color, shape and way of life are different. From a variety of Allah's creation, we can see how God is so great creation. Moreover, Allah has also introduced the character to a servant to inform His names and His attributes glorious through the Quran and the hadith the Prophet.

Signs of love to God
    1. Often remembering Allah. When a person feels love, of course he would often recall the beloved and longed for. Likewise when the love of Allah, we will always remember and dhikr of Allah; 
    2. Longs to God. Longing will surely arise when we begin to feel the love and how happy if it can meet with our beloved. In this case, when there is a servant of God who longs to God then God will miss him. As word of the Prophet Muhammad, "Anyone who missed the meeting with Allah, then Allah also missed meeting him". (HR. Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Nasa'i); 
    3. Willing to sacrifice. Sacrifice is one kosekuensi of love. Likewise, when we love God, we must be ready to sacrifice run the commands and stay away from all larangannyaNya. "And among mankind is he who sacrificed himself, seeking the pleasure of Allah; and Allah almighty Trustees to His servants". (Q.S. Al-Baqarah: 207); 
    4. Fear of Allah SWT. One sign of love that is the fear. In this case, of people who love to God will shy away from sin for fear if left if Allah. Setalin it, he will continue to keep hope on forgiveness of Allah and seek blessings from Him; 
    5. Dutiful and obedient to Allah. If we love God, then we will always obey the commands of Allah and stay away from all prohibitions. In the Qur'an Allah says: "Say, if you (really) love Allah. Follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you your dos. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful". (Q.S. Ali Imran: 31).
    Similarly, some of the indicators that we love God. Basically, there is no greater happiness than getting the love of Allah. If Allah has loved a servant, then bahagialah our life in this world and hereafter. Let us try to knit the love of Allah.

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