Keanzikal Keanzikal Author
Author: Keanzikal
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The development of today's world is characterized by globalization in all fields that have an impact fast enough for the developmen...

The development of today's world is characterized by globalization in all fields that have an impact fast enough for the development of Indonesia's economy accompanied by high rates of population mobility, traffic of money and goods. One of the necessities of life are no less important in this era of globalization is the need for service delivery. The number of residents which send goods from distant places make this service becomes very important. Based on the fact that many emerging companies courier services both public and private.

However, the implementation of the freight forwarder is not much of a risk that could result in harm to consumers. The position of consumers as users of these services are very weak in case of a loss caused by kelalain undertaken by the shipping company and also due to the existence of standard clauses made by the shipping company. Therefore consumers as users of services need to be protected interests.
Forms of legal protection provided by the postal authorities are :
  • Confidentiality letter / document, on time delivery;
  • Protection in case of delay, damage, or loss.
If this happens then the post will provide compensation. Then the protection of the goods in the form of providing insurance and legal protection that is guaranteed in terms of opportunity and freedom to do if the sender marasa demands are not satisfied or the loss, through consultation and through the courts.

Responsibility PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) if there is a claim of users mail delivery services and goods is: If the shipment is delayed then the compensation is provided by 2 x postage. As for shipments lost then the post will give compensation of 2 x postage plus the value of goods insured (for insured shipment). As for shipments that are not insured will be replaced by 2 x postage alone. If the shipment is damaged most of it will be given compensation equivalent to the damage, but if the shipment is damaged, the whole is equal to the lost property replacement.

Constraints faced by PT. Pos Indonesia in implementing consumer protection that consumers do not give exact information about the contents of the shipment, the destination address is less clear, packing or packaging that is not good, do not complete the requirements in providing claims, and the time to file a claim has expired (constraints on the sender of the letter and goods). While constraints on the post itself such delay, which can be caused due to a delay in departure, delays in transit, delay because the recipient moved seta address delays due sender address given is not clear.

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