Keanzikal Keanzikal Author
Author: Keanzikal
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Humans are like a traveler who is traveling far. The difference is that the human journey to travel to get to the village of Allah a...

Humans are like a traveler who is traveling far. The difference is that the human journey to travel to get to the village of Allah and the Hereafter. Humans are created from Allah. Living in the world as well as God. And finally, back again before God.

So, why do we live in the world ?? Living in the world is the proverbial early part of the exam in the human journey. The rest is to be ground in the grave. And, the end of the journey is before God Almighty. So, are you ready we are to face Allah ??

Death is a secret that nobody knows except Allah. When, suddenly separated from the body of our lives, whether we are ready to account for the lives we live in the world? During this life we take a test to differentiate between good and bad human conduct. And, obviously much different replies. Good human collateral is heaven. Humans are bad, the place is in hell. For this reason, in this world fend for land actually is looking for the best provision for stock-facing Allah. There are a number of provisions that should be prepared man.

First, our main provision for menghadip Allah dalah Piety. Allah says, "And prepare lunch for indeed the best of provisions is piety." (QS. Al-Baqarah: 197). Piety is an indispensable provision humans. Because without piety, God is not willing to provide aid to his servants. Without piety Allah will not accept the deeds of His servants. Piety is also a requirement of success in the business world and in the hereafter kesalamatan.

Secondly, our stock is Science. Allah says, "Behold, the fear of Allah from His servants only those who have knowledge." (QS.Fathir: 28). Seeking knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim. If we do not make the repairs, not useful, but it hurt, did not win, but certainly lost, and lost. Moreover, those who diligently do good even without knowledge, as people walked not in his ways. Do not be, we do fruitful practice in vain without basic science.

And third, our stock is Tawakal. Allah says, "And those who put their trust in Allah, surely he would be inadequate." (QS. Ath-Thalaq: 3). Will instill trust the sincerity of heart cleave to God. Humans can only try and pray, everything is only Allah who determines. So let us Allah sufficient for living in the world.

Fourth, further provision is Thanksgiving. Allah says, "Why did God will torment you if you are grateful and faithful." (QS. An-Nisa '147). The form of gratitude with oral, heart and with our actions. Remember that actually favors nkmat be sustainable because of gratitude and will disappear with kufr.

Fifth, our stock is Patience. Allah says, "Verily, God was with those who are patient." (QS. Al-Baqarah: 153). Whatever the profession, man is in need of patience. A teacher would require patience to teach children. Likewise with other professions. Even those who suffered must always be patient. Make the patient as a helper us, because rest assured Allah along with those who patiently to test live in the world.

Sixth, another provision is Zuhud (not love the world). SAW Allah's Apostle said, "Zuhut against the world, Allah will love you and do not love what human beings, human undoubtedly mencintaimua!" (HR. Ibunu Majah).

And last, seventh, our stock is Itsarul hereafter (hereafter priority). As Allah said, "Whoever menghindaki hereafter and seek provision for him while in faith then they are returned in their efforts." (QS.Al-Isra ': 19).

This is the provision that we have to prepare before his death and then to God Almighty. Rest assured, this provision can help us to bear the burden of liability law in the life of this world.

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