Keanzikal Keanzikal Author
Author: Keanzikal
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Among the teachings of Allah's Apostle SAW most recommended is tahajud prayer (night prayer), so that in the literature of Islamic...

Among the teachings of Allah's Apostle SAW most recommended is tahajud prayer (night prayer), so that in the literature of Islamic jurisprudence, legal sunna prayer tahajud given muakkadah (highly recommended). Tahajud prayer is done in the evening after evening prayers' and the required sleep beforehand. Implementation tahajud prayer itself is associated with the most important time, the last third of the night, at about 2:00 a.m.-04:00 pm. In fact, there is a call tahajud prayer time is at a time when we can hear the sound of a needle that fell on the floor. Allah says, "And on most nights, do pray tahajud (as a worship) extra for you, may the Lord lift you to a glorious place." (QS. Al-Isra ': 79).

To carry out tahajud prayer is indeed a very tough fight. Moreover, he held at the time of being good human-delish bed, in the cold, even had to fight against the passions and the devil will always whisper to sleep. But Allah knows every worship of His servants and business taqarrub Merciful towards him. He gives fadhilah (virtue) great for anyone who is doing this sunnah worship, which exalted, both in this world and before him later, as implied in the paragraph above.

Allah's Apostle said, "Blessings of your Lord, the Giver and Exalted, obtaining down to the lowest heaven every night, in the third part-time last night, and he said, 'whoever prays to Me will I grant, whoever requests to Me will I give and ask for forgiveness from whoever will I forgive me '. "(HR. Bukhari and Muslim).

That's three virtues of prayer tahajud and three also an expectation every slave. Every servant certainly hope her prayers were answered, his request granted, and sins are forgiven. How wonderful if all we Muslims can wake up at night, then pray tahajud, and then continued with a prayer; Prayer for the good and welfare of the nation, asking for halal sustenance, useful knowledge, as well as the good life (exploratory). We ask for forgiveness every sin that we intentionally or unintentionally, by all recognition err on the Forgiving Lord.

In addition there is also a miracle virtue of this tahajud prayer. History has mecatat that Rosullulah SAW and friends always praying tahajud. Wonders praying tahajud been recorded in the Qur'an. There is some miracle prayer tahajud, namely:

  1. Prayer tahajud as a ticket to heaven. Abdullah Ibn Muslin said, "The first sentence I heard from Allah's Apostle SAW when it was," Hey, you man! Spread greetings, share food, connect friendship, Establish night prayer while the other man was sleeping, surely you go to heaven safely '. "(HR. Ibn Majah)
  2. Charity which helps in the hereafter. Allah says, "the real people who fear being in the gardens of paradise, and in the spring - spring, while taking what God has given them. Previously they were already doing well in advance (in the world), they are the -the little sleep at night and at the end of the night they memoh forgiveness of Allah. "(QS. Az-Zariyat: 15-18)
  3. Cleansing hearts disease and physical. Salman Al Farisi said, Allah's Apostle SAW said, "Build tahajud evening prayer, evening prayer kaena actually it is the habit of the people of God before you, (night prayer can) you closer to your Lord, (the night prayer is) as redeemer bad deeds, prevent do dos and refrain from diseases that attack the body. "(HR. Ahmad)
  4. Means achieve glory. SAW Allah's Apostle said, "Jibreel came to me and said," O Muhammad, live as you please, because you will die, love the person you love, because you will part with it, do what your desires, you will receive a reply, please know that the real glory is a Muslim evening prayer time and lack glorified his needs of others. "(HR. Al Bayhaqi)
  5. The road to get the grace of Allah. Abu Huraira said that Allah's Apostle SAW said, "May Allah have mercy worthy of the man who woke On the night, then pray and awaken his wife. If she refuses, he splashed water on his face. Also bless the women who wake up at night, then pray and wakes her husband. If the husband refuses, he splashed water on his face. "(HR. Abu Daud)
  6. Means the granting of the petition. Allah promised to grant the prayer of those who tahajud with sincere prayers. Allah's Apostle said, "Jabir said, that the Prophet SAW said," Verily, in the evening, there was a moment when a Muslim asks a favor world and the hereafter, surely God gave him, it takes place every night. "(HR. Muslim)

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