Headscarves to cover the nakedness is one application of a Muslim's faith in carrying out the commands of Allah. In the Qur'an, Allah says, "O Prophet, tell your wives, your daughters and wives of the believers: "Let the garments over their bodies'. That is so they are easy libuh to be recognized, therefore they are not disturbed. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful". (QS. Al-Ahzab: 59).
For women, the command actually mengadung great benefits. One of them is to protect the woman herself. Here are some things that can be protected with a slice :
1. Protect from view and lure men
This is evident when we disekirat there seoprang beautiful woman dressed in an open and veiled Muslim woman. At that time, of course, some men would be interested to see and seductive woman dressed yanb open. While the Muslim woman to cover her nakedness can run safely without interruption or at teased by men who are less well;
2. Protect yourself from good deeds
Psychologically, the veil can be self-control for the Muslim who wear it. When a Muslim to understand and remember the nature of the veil, then he will feel embarrassed when the deeds are not good so he will try to pay attention and maintain speech and behavior.
3. Protect your hair from the heat and sun
At a time when the sun, the veil can protect the hair and scalp of the Muslim from the sun. In fact, the hair can also be protected from the dust on the road;
4. Protect UV Radiation
Ultra Viole rays (UV) sun can be judged dangerous to the skin in a certain time. Health problems caused by UV rays is another anata Skin wrinkles, eye damage, and cancer trowel. Health experts then warn people to use sunblock to protect their skin. But the best advice is sebernarnya wear clothes that cover the entire body;
5. Preventing skin cancer
Research shows that skin cancer caused by ultraviolet rays (UV) that illuminates the face, neck, hands and feet. Therefore, it within one way to protect it is to veil, hijab because we cover the whole body. Namuni me; indungi body by means wearing tight clothes and thin. Why? Because UV rays can still penetrate the tight clothes and transparent, so that the Muslim need to use the veil and dress shar'ie, such as not revealing the shape of the body and not transparent;
With the benefit of a protective veil as such, then what makes the Muslim hesitate to cover? Hopefully the above description can strengthen Muslim women to immediately close the genitals and wear a headscarf. Amen ... (Wa-0ne quoted from various sources)
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