Although very rare, a thousand months old man can still be found, but that menggunkana entire 83-year old full worship God almost certainly does not exist. If not impossible. Of course, the earlier prophets hundreds of years old is an exception. anyway they live in an age that the world is not too advanced in years.
You can imagine how abundant reward obtained when we serve 83 years without interruption. It is a lot of us would be very difficult to calculate. Then, can we the average life span less than 83 years to reach the reward of worship for a thousand months ???
Without the need to be answered, because we would have to understand that there is one night in Ramadan that have reward equivalent to a thousand months, ie lailatul Qadr night. One night abundant goodness and blessing.
The Night of Power
Given the repeated explanation of the scholars explained that the meaning of lailatul Qadr is the night of glory. Because the night is the night when Allah revealed the Qur'an as a whole from the Lawh mahfuz towards the sky world. Later revealed by the Angel Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammad gradually.
Also be interpreted as fate determination evening all creatures of God in one year. There is written who dies, who is happy, who were annihilated, and other destinies. value of glory and majesty lailatul Qadr is diampuninya sins and vices covered disgrace that night. Subhanallah !!
The amount of the reward
Goodness that exceeds one thousand months, that virtue lailatul Qadr night. It is at proclaim God in his word: "And do you know Is that glory night? Night of Power is better than a thousand months". In these verses using interrogative sentence "wa maa adraaka" which is an expression of something extraordinary. Something that may be difficult in logic but it is real. Similarly, with the reward of worship for 83 years can be achieved with only one night only. is real, those of us who want to reach.
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