Keanzikal Keanzikal Author
Author: Keanzikal
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Is Qarun, one of the characters who lived in the time of Prophet Moses, upon whom be peace. His name is perpetuated through several...

Is Qarun, one of the characters who lived in the time of Prophet Moses, upon whom be peace. His name is perpetuated through several verses contained in the Qur'an. However, the magnitude of the record, Qarun not the right example to be a role model. He is immortalized as a lesson for humanity that we do not follow the footsteps misguided.

Errors, he was arrogant with treasures that he had, as God immortalized in Surat Al-Qasas. "Surely Qarun is including the musa, then he applies persecution against them, and We have granted him a treasure treasury keys heavy indeed borne by a number of people who are strong. (Remember) when kaumna said to him:" do not be too proud ; oprang Allah does not love those who are too boast. "(Al-Qasas: 76).

Due to forget himself and his arrogant in treasure, God sink into the earth along with treasures she was proud and he has. "So We immerse Qarum along with his house into the earth. So no matter what her a group to help him against the punishment of Allah. And never will it include people (who can) defend (her)." (Qs: Al-Qasas: 81)

Meshes Materialism

Qarun figure disappeared thousands of years ago. However, the nature and character still exists today. Anyone of us, potentially follow jajaknya. Especially in this day and age, as the culture of consumerism and materialism virus, Qarun Qarun-new, flourished like mushrooms in the rainy season.

No matter rulers or commoners, who rounded up those who are unfamiliar, who live in urban areas to which dwells in rural areas, have become entangled and can follow the nature trail underprivileged. As a result, we find a group of people competing to collect the material, forgetting the Hereafter and forget that in no part of his property rights of indigent, poor and orphans.

Referring to the statement KH Diddin Hafiduddin, as Chairman of the Board of the National Zakat (BAZNAS), zakat opportunities currently reached 270 trillion rupiah. Sayangnnya when viewing the current achievements, only one percent were collected. The simple logic, if only every individual (who has been subject to the obligation to tithe) aware of their obligations (issued zakat), of course, this reality will never be experienced. And poverty can be minimized.

With the above figures, the real treasure Isalam people very much. The problem is, treasure was kept meeting, to forget the rights of the poor and those in need. Is not this exactly the same sort of character with watannya Qarun who likes to accumulate treasure, then reluctantly issued sebagiannnya as a form of obedience to God?

Let introspective. When the disease was under control, we immediately turned back to before too late. We have to plug it in ourselves, that we have every yag treasure, tucked away the rights of others, so as not fitting for us to hold let alone take it. Indeed we have been unjust to our brother, if we do not heed it. There is no glory for those who have contracted the disease this one.

For that all types of materials (read: property) irrespective of the amount must be in our hands and we have no control, not vice versa, we become slaves. Among way, simah, biological and let us try to practice prayer Rasullullah two noble companions, Abu Bakar and Umar following :
Abu Bakr bermunajat, "Make us a people who hold the world in our hands, not our hearts". While Umar bin Khattab prayed, "O Allah, put the world in the palm of our hands and do not you place it in the depths of our hearts".
We wish to listen to the prayer of this great friend, will be relieve us who still have the virus 'Qarunisme' acute, menunakan obligations to us, to share with those in need. May be useful .......

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