Keanzikal Keanzikal Author
Author: Keanzikal
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Famous actor, Robin Williams, was found dead. He allegedly committed suicide. Suicides are not purely exist in Western countries. In I...

Famous actor, Robin Williams, was found dead. He allegedly committed suicide. Suicides are not purely exist in Western countries. In Indonesia, a case like this is also a lot going on. Not long ago occurred repeatedly committed suicide in puast-shopping.

The World Health Organization (WHO) notes, each year there are about one million people were killed by suicide. This is equivalent to a global mortality rate of 16 deaths per every 100 thousand people, or one death every 40 seconds.

Suppose true suicide phenomenon in Indonesia, or at least in central Jakarta increased in recent times, then this is an indirect sign of psychological problems with the outbreak of a serious degree.

Suicide has not appeared for no reason. WHO (2009) refer to suicide as a complex problem involving psychological factors, social, biological, cultural and environmental. Up here, it can be concluded that suicide is generally not a spontaneous act of attitude-behavior driven by impulsive. Suicide is the final end of the psychological problems that originated from seeds, germinate, grow, until finally no longer insurmountable. Depression is a chronic problem, so the term scientific. Intellect becomes shorter, the liver becomes turbid, more so distant relatives.

Departing from the picture, the reckless actions of this sort of suicide should be prevented. Apart from the possibility of psychological problems more deeply rooted in people who commit suicide, mass media need to be careful in reporting incidents of suicide. The importance of the mass media awareness of the negative effects the news more relevant if it is associated with reactive depression or reactive depression. Reactive depression is also known as adjustment problems accompanied with depressive mood.

The findings of the WHO (2009), in contrast with depression and alcohol abuse as the dominant cause of suicides in the United States and Europe, a similar action in Asia was more due to impulsivity. Small stimuli in the form of mass madia news about suicide, suspected as causes of suicide as a salable product-impulsive attitude.

The influence of the media on the individual suggestions for co-opted suicide measures, referred to as the Werther Effect. This term comes after the release of his novel Die Leiden des jungen Werther (The Sorrows of Young Werther) by Goethe. it is said, a lot of people who commit suicide by a method similar to that taken by the characters in the novel Werther.

'Linkage' between the media and suicide, in turn, produces a popular term that copycat suicide. So, be careful. Not just one or two stamps that are prone to take action in the form of buuh reckless self. Anyone - including kita-- hopefully we do not go down this path, we have to agree, said: "Missing lives, there is no order, welcome to hell." God knows best ....

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